Hard drugs for Playgrounds


Miguel Ángel Díaz-López

Senior Software Engineer at 47degrees


@47deg | 47deg.com

## Markdown ⦾ Quick review
### 1. Headers ```Markdown # This is an <h1> tag ## This is an <h2> tag ### This is an <h3> tag ```
### 2. Lists ```Markdown * Line 1 * Line 1 a * Line 1 b * Line 2 ```
### 3. Quotes ```Markdown > This is a quote example where we put emphasis in this `element` ```
### 4. Emphasis ```Markdown *This text will be italic* _This will also be italic_ **This text will be bold** __This will also be bold__ _You **can** combine them_ ```
### 5. Links ```Markdown https://github.com/bow-swift/nef [GitHub](https://github.com/bow-swift/nef) ```
Xcode Playground
### Markup for playgrounds ```Markdown /*: line of text with optional markup … line of text with optional markup */ ``` ```Markdown //: This is a single comment ```
![Xcode Playground markup reference: headers](assets/markup-playgrounds/1-headers.png)
Xcode Playground markup reference: lists
![Xcode Playground markup reference: quotes](assets/markup-playgrounds/3-quotes.png)
![Xcode Playground markup reference: emphasis](assets/markup-playgrounds/4-emphasis.png)
![Xcode Playground markup reference: links](assets/markup-playgrounds/5-links.png)
Markup render - key bindings
#### How to change between render documents modes? ![Markup render - change between modes](assets/markup-playgrounds/render-markup-modes.png)
```swift import Bow let either = Either<Error, String>.right("Either") either.fold( { _ in "Default" }, { input in "Great \(input)!" } ) // Great Either! ```
```Swift //: > __Bow__ provides us functional programming in Swift import Bow /*: ### Either Sum type of types `A` and `B`. Represents a value of either one of those types, but not both at the same time. Values of type `A` are called *left*; values of type `B` are called *right*. */ let either = Either<Error, String>.right("Either") either.fold( { _ in "Default" }, { input in "Great \(input)!" } ) // Great Either! ```
![Xcode Playground markup reference: example](assets/markup-playgrounds/playground-example-markdown.png)
## What is __nef__? "A set of command line tools that lets you have compile time verification of your documentation written as Xcode Playground"
### How to install? ![How to install nef?](assets/nef/how-to-install.gif)
## What can I do with **nef**?
What can I do? - Verification
**Eases** the creation of Xcode Playgrounds with support for third party libraries.
What can I do? - Compile
**Compiles** Xcode Playgrounds with support for third party libraries from the command line.
What can I do? - Generation
**Generates** Markdown project from Xcode Playground.
What can I do? - Integration
**Integrates** Xcode Playgrounds with Jekyll to create a microsite.
### **Eases** the creation of Xcode Playgrounds ```bash ⟶ nef playground --name AltConf2019 --podfile bow-podfile ```
### Podfile ```Markdown target 'AltConf2019' do platform :ios, 12.0 use_frameworks! pod "Bow", "~> 0.4.0" end ```
```bash Installing Playground (AltConf2019)... ✅ Set AltConf2019 target to iOS ✅ Updating podfile (bow-podfile)... ✅ Installing Pods ... ✅ ```
### Xcode Playground project
nef install folder
## **Compiles** Xcode Playgrounds with support for third party libraries
```bash ⟶ nef compile . ```
```bash Installing Pods ... ✅ Building AltConf2019.xcworkspace (AltConf2019) ... ✅ Copy frameworks ✅ Found 2 playgrounds Compiling Markup Formatting Reference.xcplaygroundpage ... ✅ Compiling Example.xcplaygroundpage ... ✅ ```
## Markdown support
![Xcode Playground markup reference: example](assets/markup-playgrounds/playground-example-markdown.png)
```bash ⟶ nef markdown --project . --output ~/Desktop ```
![nef: generates markdown from Xcode Playground project](assets/nef/nef-markdown.png)
## Jekyll Integration Transform your plain text into static websites and blogs ![Jekyll](assets/jekyll/logo.png)
```bash ⟶ nef jekyll --project AltConf2019 --output site ```
## **nef** commands __nef__ provides some commands to modify the Markdown transformation process. ```swift // nef:begin:header /* <Jekyll's header> */ // nef:end ``` ```swift // nef:begin:hidden import UIKit // This will be hidden in the Markdown file // nef:end ```
#### Case of success
Bow microsite: jekyll
# Demo
## Closing the circle: CI & CD
nef install folder
## Outline 1. Mardown: quick review 2. What is __nef__? 3. What can I do with **nef**? 4. Markdown support 5. Jekyll Integration 6. Closing the circle: `CI` & `CD`
GitHub nef
# bow-swift/nef
## One more thing...
## How __nef__ works?
### Parser Creates a valid AST from Xcode Playground's page 1. __Lexical analyzer__ the nef's tokenizer (scanner) 2. __Syntax analyzer__ build the AST
### Render 1. __Markdown__ 2. __Jekyll__ 3. ...
#### AST
nef AST
![Questions: GitHub Pages](assets/questions/github-pages-settings.png)
![Questions: microsite](assets/questions/nef-microsite.png)
GitHub nef
### miguelangel-dev/nef-slides-altconf2019 [⤷ open me!](http://altconf.miguelangel.me)
@miguelangel_dl | #AltConfMadrid | @bow_swift